Urban sustainability is one of the main challenges of this century. We have to adapt our habitat to the extreme temperatures and weather conditions we are already starting to endure. Design can do much more for energy efficiency and saving. Bioclimatic design takes profit of the environmental potentials and assures comfort both indoors and outdoors. A precise analyse of the weather and environmental conditions will determine the requirements for comfort in different regions. The main bioclimatic strategies will be proposed and a catalogue of design solutions will be developed according to the main local resources and recycled materials from building waste. Our proposal is an assessment online tool for improve your home comfort and reduce your energy consumption. This tool willcreate a multidisciplinary connection between expertise – designer – client in real time.
Long Description
Urban sustainability is one of the main challenges of this century. Climate change is creating critical situations and so, we have to adapt our habitat to the extreme temperatures and weather conditions we are already starting to endure. Even we have regulations and certificates for passive-house design and energy efficiency labels for electrodomestics, they are not affordable for everyone. In addition, good design is far to be assured in all the buildings.
On the other hand, waste management is another challenge that concerns urban developments. However, the best thing to do to reduce waste is to reduce consumption first. Building waste has a big potential for recover most of the materials and revalorize waste in a more optimized way.
Design can do much more for energy saving and efficiency. Bioclimatic design takes profit of the environmental potentials and assures comfort both indoors and outdoors.
A precise analyse of the weather and environmental conditions will determine the requirements for comfort in different regions. The main bioclimatic strategies will be proposed and a catalogue of design solutions will be developed according to the main local resources and waste materials in these areas.
Our proposal is an assessment online tool for improve your home comfort and reduce your energy consumption. This tool will create a multidisciplinary connection in real time between designer – client and the expertise in sustainability and environmental impact. It can be applied to concrete design solutions, renovation projects, buildings and urban developments and renovation plans.
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