We can produce biogas from woody biomass in a very fast process. The process time is 2-3 weeks. We have successfully tested wood chips, bark, coconut hulls and straw. The waste from biogas process is dried and made to pellets, the pellets can replace wood pellets.
Long Description
We have finalized pilot tests on commercial equipment to produce biogas and pellets from waste biomass. we look for customers to produce biofuels. One of our approaches is in India. In India there are four harvests a year. In order to get the fertilizers from straw and roots fast to the fertilizer circulation, local farmers use kerosene to set up a wildfire to release the fertilizers. This causes huge air pollution, one million Indians die to polluted air. Our technology enables quick biogas process 2-3 weeks, thus enabling biogas production from straw and roots. The waste from our biogas process has all the fertilizers in a form the plants can use. We replace the cost and environmental problem of burning kerosene in the fields by providing biogas and fertilizers for sale.
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