Mobile radio stations serve as mini databases by collecting and sharing data to predict future natural disasters such as tsunamis and volcanic eruptions as well as floods. The backpack is made of light, waterproof and fire resistant material. For energy powered by long battery life and mini solar panels. The tool is intended to be a life saver for people living in one of the 17,000 islands in Indonesia, who have no access to information and communication through ICT.
Long Description
Indonesia is one of the world’s most susceptible nations to natural disasters, with more than 600,000 people a year suffering from their consequences (2009 UN Global Assessment on Disaster Risk Reduction). In the first quarter of 2011 alone, Indonesia experienced 67 significant earthquakes (5.0 magnitude or higher). Volcanic eruptions, flooding, landslides and tsunamis are continual threats. Indonesia is also a country with over 17,000 islands where most of the islands have no access to ICT technologies.
How data can be accessed by the village community, fishermen, indigenous peoples in small islands and have not had access to ICT technologies. What is the use a lot of data that can not be used for human daily life. And how the voice of the community who do not have access can also be accessed by the world?
Of the above questions, came the idea of Radio Stations backpacks. Is a two-way broadcast radio stations with limited watt contained in a backpack.
A radio station that can broadcast a live broadcast at any time and anywhere. Especially in the event of disaster. Where all the technological devices do not work because of a disaster. The backpack radio stations remain functional and easy to use.
With models and shapes in designs that are easy to use, lightweight, and flexible, Backpacks radio stations can be used in small islands and areas that have not been accessed by the information and communication.
- Mini radio stations that can move quickly to the disaster site
- The media center in places where there is no access and no service information technology.
Techical Devices
There are three important part of making backpack radio station. The first part deals with the tools to broadcast radio and other communications devices. The second relates to the application that will be used in the radio device. and the third relates to the manufacture backpacks for container hardwere and softwere.
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