Current Project phase:

  • 1 1: Initiate Phase
  • 2 2: Nominate Phase
  • 3 3: Improve Phase
  • 4 4: Triumph Phase
  • 5 5: Accelerate Phase
  • 6 6: Make it Happen Phase
Track: Student
Topics: Water, Energy, Food, Health
Location: Netherlands

Mother Earth Network

Mother Earth Network

What if Mother Earth could communicate with you through an artificial intelligence? Could the soil of your backyard tell you a joke? Could you empathize with a brick?

Long Description

The Mother Earth Network is a new way for people to communicate with, listen to and feel empathy for our planet. Data of the planet will be uploaded into one big network: the mother earth network. Not only scientists will upload their knowledge into the network, but all over the world citizens will be able to collect data with the data collection kit.  The kit exists of the data collectors : water, air, soil, plants and rocks. After uploading the data into the network, it will be translated into a human-like story by an artificial intelligence of mother earth.

Imagine you, as a citizen, placing the data collector into the soil of your backyard. The soil of your backyard will then ask you to remove some stone tiles so she can take a better and deeper breath. After which she will ask you if you have taken some time to take a deep breath today.

The Mother Earth Network is currently still a concept, but I want to realize this project within the next years. When developed in 2018 the mother earth network will exist of a data collection kit, a software that uploads the data into an online network and translates it to a human like visual and audio story.

By evoking empathy, understanding and compassion for our surroundings, people will be intrinsically motivated to live in a more sustainable way. Slowly mother earth will get a more persistent role in our society.

  • For more information watch Mother Earth tell you her side of the story on Vimeo.


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