MUSCLE is a systemic approach to regenerate social blocks "tuning" the buildings to meet NETZero Standards. The project proved that integrating in an ecosmart design and building strategy using nature as a support to offset daily life ecological impacts, the footprint of communities can decrease drastically.
Long Description
MUSCLE is a systemic approach to regenerate social housing blocks to meet NETZero Standards. The project proved that with an ecosmart design thinking, a sustainable construction strategy boosting nature´s ecological support, urban communities can decrease their eco impacts drastically.
Focusing the regeneration of a social housing community in Grenoble, Muscle took into account three items:
1 – Grey-Infrastructure- less concrete and tar, remodelling the urban infra-structure demolishing and refurbishing some existing buildings, strengthening the other´s structurally, adding more space, creating a new urban layer in the roofs, for leisure farming and solar energy.
2 – Blue Infrastructure – Rethink the water cycle following hydroponics and “bio-machine” concepts, using green-roofs and vertical green gardens to pre-clean rain water, storing it in tanks to be reused after.
3 – Green infrastructure – completely redesigned. Vertical car parking will free the public space to add trees and vegetation increasing the green infrastructure role to offset GHG emissions working systemically with grey and blue infrastructures.
A sort of exoskeleton will strengthen the existing buildings to receive the ECO upgrade – the green roofs for the elderly and children and for farming, more 4m2 of space to the apartments, the vertical vegetable gardens to clean water, new technical installations, and water reservoirs. The solar panels added in the roof´s upgrade will increase the community financial sustainability.
These three strategies working together will reduce significantly the ecological footprint of the neighbourhood, from four to five planets into a two planets.
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